COVID-19 Process Simulation


The effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the United States healthcare system are everchanging and unique. Due to the rapid spread of the virus globally, the healthcare industry has had to adapt to a largely unknown, yet changing daily, set of outcomes. 

We believe that process simulation technology can provide answers and mitigate COVID-19 related impacts. Process simulation technology allows businesses to quickly test a variety of process-driven future scenarios to make decisions on how to best modify processes using real data in real time. It can be applied to a vast number of scenarios and can help leadership navigate the complexity and interrelatedness of processes to predict and guide operational decisions. 

In this Orange Paper, you’ll learn how to accelerate outcome predictions using a baseline model, plus your data, to show the end-to-end impacts of COVID-19 on your back-office operational metrics. 


Managing in the Wiki World


The Strategic Value of Process Simulation